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Frequently Asked Questions

As an Independent Educational Consultant, I’m passionate about supporting your child throughout their college admissions journey. No matter where they are in the process of applying to schools, I’m able to help them navigate their possibilities and help them find the right fit for their unique educational needs and interests. 


Depending on what grade your child is in and how much support they’re interested in, I offer a variety of packages to cater to their needs. Whether I work with your child for a couple of years or a couple of months, I’m committed to helping them find a school where they can thrive. To help you and your child learn more about what an IEC does and the benefits of partnering with an IEC, I’ve answered some of the most common questions I receive below. If you still have questions after reading this FAQ, please reach out to me and I would be happy to speak with you!

  • Where are you located?
    While I live in Colorado Springs, CO, I conduct all of my college consulting services virtually through Zoom. This allows me to have clients from all over the country. In fact, I've worked with students from 80 high schools (and 4 colleges) in 15 states, plus Washington, DC.
  • How do you differ from a high school counselor?
    High school counselors are a valuable resource, and I encourage all students to build a relationship with theirs. However, I also know the demands of this profession, especially in a public school setting. School counselors are responsible for the students' academic, personal/social, and college/career needs, and they often have very high caseloads (the national average is 424). As an IEC, I meet with students and their families at times convenient to them (often evenings and weekends), providing access when school counselors are unavailable. I’m also able to only take on a certain number of students to ensure I will be able to provide your child with the necessary attention and support.
  • When is the best time to start working with you?
    Ideally, I prefer to start with students at the beginning of their junior year. This allows us to work through the comprehensive package at a manageable pace. I will be able to really get to know the student before diving into the college list. However, if space is available, I take on students just for essay work in the fall of senior year. I will also start students in the comprehensive package during the second semester of their sophomore year.
  • How often do you meet with students?
    It completely depends on the needs of the student. For my comprehensive students, I meet with them every 2-4 weeks during their junior years. Then, from the summer through the fall of their senior years, we meet weekly until all applications are submitted. Most comprehensive students work with me for at least 30 hours, but I do not cap the hours for m,y comprehensive package. Small package and hourly students set the pace of their work and self-schedule sessions. Some students want to meet 2-3 times in the same week to complete their tasks quickly while others prefer to spread out their appointments.
  • Do you have any contractors or additional essay editors?
    No. All of my students work directly with me. This helps me get to know the student over time, which helps when the student begins writing their essays. However, I do have a strong group of colleagues I consult with regularly through my involvement with HECA, IECA, and the College Consultants of Colorado.
  • What are your hours?
    Because I need to meet with students when they aren't in class, my schedule hours vary. I often work evenings and weekends, especially during the fall. All of my families have the ability to schedule appointments through Calendly at convenient times for them.
  • How does your pricing work?
    I believe that transparency is crucial, so all of my current prices are listed on my services page. I offer payment plans for the comprehensive package and bill monthly for hourly clients. For my smaller packages, rates increase as we get further along into the application season, and are subject to availability, but families are locked into a rate once they sign a contract.
  • Do you guarantee admission to colleges or universities?
    No. As a member of HECA (Higher Education Consultants Association) and IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association), I abide by the HECA Code of Ethics and IECA Principles of Good Practice. This means I do not guarantee admission to colleges or universities, nor do I accept any reward from any college or university for the referral or recruitment of any student. My services are strictly advisory in nature.
  • Do you provide SAT/ACT tutoring?
    No, but I have a great list of referrals I'm happy to share if you’re interested.

Schedule A Consultation With Grand Fit Educational Consulting

The best part about what I do is being an additional support system for students as they go through one of the most important and overwhelming times of their lives. Throughout our entire journey together, I get to help them realize their educational passions, discover their college must-haves, and learn about new scholarship opportunities. Being able to have a little part in your child’s college journey is an honor that I don’t take lightly. If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you and your child navigate these important times, please schedule a FREE consultation with me! I look forward to speaking with you and discussing your child’s future. 

students graduating from college
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